- 1800# Toll Free Data Service SAMS Supported Back End
- 5G
- Adaptive beamforming via covariance matrix reconstruction
- Adaptive beamforming via steering vector estimation
- Compressive sampling array
- DOFs enhancement using sparse array
- Knowledge enhanced compressive radar imaging
- Knowledge enhanced compressive radar ranging
- Knowledge enhanced compressive sampling array
- Pilot Design in FDD massive MIMO
- Radar-communication spectrum sharing
- Source localization
- Transmit beamforming and beamtracking
- A and C Weighting via Bilinear Transform and Warping Mitigation
- Automatic Gain Control
- Caller ID
- Defense & Aerospace Technologies
- Defense Products and Services
- Dynamic Range Compression
- Fax over IP Server Software Library (FXSRV)
- Industrial & Automotive Communication
- IP Communications
- Journey Test Home Page
- Law Enforcement & Enterprise
- Modem & Fax Software
- NASA Award of Recognition for Artemis I Contributions
- Search Results
- Sitemap
- Spectrum Subtraction: Implementation
- Speech Processing & Audio
- Automatic Speaker Verification (ASV) Spoofing Attacks
- Binaural Masking
- Comb Filtering for Speech Enhancement
- Detection of ASV Replay Spoofing Attacks
- Detection of Synthesized Speech Spoofing Attacks
- MISRA C Coding Standard Impact on Signal Processing Algorithms
- Normalized Least Mean Squared
- Overview of De-essing
- Vector-Base Amplitude Panning
- Voice Band Data Demodulation
- Telecom – IP, PSTN & Mobile
- Thank you for sending your info.
- USAF New Helmet System Open Challenge
- V.150 Analog Modem Adaptor for Secure Phones
- vIPer Secure Cloud Phone Service | Secure Voice Gateway
- Voice and Data Communications Solutions for Engineers | VOCAL Technologies
- About VOCAL Technologies (VOCAL.com)
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
- Analog Telephone Adapter (ATA) Reference Design
- ATA Reference Design Applications
- VPBX Home Gateway Design
- ATA 2x1x1 Development Board
- ATA 2×2+1 Development Board
- ATA 1x1x1 Development Board
- ATA 3×2+1 Development Board
- ATA 8x1x1 Development Board
- ATA Design Features
- ATA Compatibility and Interoperability
- ATA Reference Design Components
- ATA Provisioning
- ATA Reference Design Specifications
- VPBX Home Gateway Reference Design
- Home PBX Extension Device
- VPBX Home Gateway Design Features
- VPBX Home Gateway Design Specifications
- Video PBX Design Features
- Video PBX Reference Design
- Video PBX Design Specifications
- Audio Examples
- Beamforming
- Acoustic Beamformer
- Acoustic Beamformer Design
- Acoustic Beamforming Algorithms
- Acoustic Beamforming with Microphone Array
- Acoustic echo cancellation with the LMS algorithm
- Acoustic echo cancellation with the ML algorithm
- Acoustic echo cancellation with the NLMS algorithm
- Acoustic Multiple-Channel Crosstalk Canceller
- Acoustic source localization using circular array microphones
- Acoustic Two-Channel Crosstalk Canceller
- Adaptive Beam Steering
- Adaptive Beamformer with Poles and Zeros
- Adaptive Beamforming using MUSIC Pseudo-Spectrum
- Adaptive Null Steering
- Angle of Arrival Estimation For Broadband Acoustic Signals
- Angle of Arrival Voice Activity Detection
- Baseband Frequency Locking for Distributed Transmit Beamforming
- Beamforming Post-filters using DNNs
- Beamforming Techniques
- Beamforming white noise gain
- Beamsteering in Broadband Beamformers
- Binaural LCMV Beamforming
- Binaural MVDR Beamforming
- Blind source separation using DUET-like algorithm
- Broadband Constrained Minimum Variance Beamformer
- Broadband Multiple Linear Point Constraint Design
- BSS for a single desired speech source
- BSS for an under-determined system
- BSS performance measures
- Centered Circular Array Direction of Arrival Estimation
- Circular Microphone Array
- Coherence based interference cancellation through region of arrival
- Compressed Sensing Approach to Blind Source Separation
- Concentric Circle Microphone Array Design
- Consensus Based Synchronization For Distributed Transmit Beamforming
- Constant Beamwidth Frequency Domain Broadband Beamformer
- Cylindrical Modal Beamforming Using a Circular Microphone Array
- Differential Microphone Arrays
- Differential nullforming with uniform circular array
- Direction of arrival using uniform circular array microphones
- Directional beamforming using two microphones
- Directional Of Arrival Estimation In Beamforming
- Distributed Multi-Mic Speech Enhancement
- Distributed Transmit Beamforming
- DNN for Beamforming Preprocessing
- DNNs Optimize Beamforming Weights
- Double-talk detection based on orthogonality principle
- Effective filter for circular array microphones
- Effective filter for diamond array microphones
- Effects of separation distance on endfire microphone array beamforming
- Efficient distortionless response for conferencing
- Efficient Microphone Array Design for Acoustic Beamforming
- Endfire microphone array beamforming
- Endfire microphone array beamforming with small beamwidth
- Energy based algorithm for cross-talk detection
- ESPRIT Algorithm – The Son of MUSIC
- Exact, Elegant Coherence Based Sub-Band Angle of Arrival
- Far Field Direction Of Arrival Estimation
- Far Field Direction of Sound Source Estimate
- Far-field Sound Pickup and Beamforming
- Fast And Efficient GCC Algorithm For Speech Angle Of Arrival Detection
- Fast beamformer with fixed direction for circular array microphones
- Fast Beamforming With Four Microphones For ASR Engines
- Fault detection in microphone arrays for speech enhancement
- First order adaptive differential microphone array beamforming
- First order differential microphone array beamforming
- First order endfire beamformer directional noise SNR improvements
- First order endfire beamformer uncorrelated noise SNR improvements
- Frequency Domain Beamforming
- Frost Beamformer
- Full Circle Direction of Arrival Estimation RTOS Using Least Squares
- Full plane least squares acoustic sound source localization
- Fundamental Limits On Angle Of Arrival Estimation Error
- Generalized Sidelobe Canceler (GSC)
- Griffiths-Jim Beamformer for Noise Reduction
- Gunshot detection and localization
- Half plane least squares acoustic sound source localization
- High resolution far field direction of arrival using three microphones
- How can beamforming create power?
- Implementation Issues with Subspace Based Estimation Algorithms
- Implementing MUSIC Algorithm
- Linear Array Beamforming
- Linear Constrained Minimum Variance (LCMV) Beamforming
- Link Quality Indicators for Detection of Interfering Signals
- LMS Implementation of First Order Adaptive Differential Beamforming
- Maximum Ratio Combining
- Microphone Array Beamforming
- Microphone Array Beamforming Design
- Microphone Array Magnitude Calibration for Beamforming
- Microphone Array Phase Calibration for Beamforming
- Microphone Array Technologies
- Microphone Arrays
- Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) Beamformer
- Minimum Variance Distortionless Response Beamformer Software
- Minimum Variance Distortionless Response(MVDR) Beamforming
- Mixing Matrix Estimation-Blind Source Separation of Far Field Sources
- mmWave Beamforming in Covert Communications
- Multi Mic Audio Signal Processing
- MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification) Algorithm
- MVDR Based 2 Microphone Beamforming W/ Given Desired Signal Direction
- Near Field Acoustic Beamforming
- Near Field Adaptive Beamforming
- Near Field Direction of Sound Source Estimate
- Non-aliased TDOA angle of arrival estimation
- Non-uniform Sampling with Microphone Array
- Nth order endfire beamformer
- Null-formed Beamforming for Improved Echo Return Loss
- Nullforming for Physical Layer Security
- Out of band energy level based algorithm for cross-talk detection
- Physical Layer Security for Cognitive Radio Networks
- Pre-filter Microphone Signals for Acoustic Beamforming
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in Covert Communications
- Reverberation and Acoustic Beamforming
- Robust fixed point beamforming
- Robust Maximum Directivity Factor Beamforming
- Rotating Arrays for Wideband Beamforming
- Scalable Distributed Transmit Nullforming
- Scalable Joint Distributed Transmit Beamforming And Nullforming
- Second order adaptive differential microphone array beamforming
- Second order differential linear microphone array beamforming
- Second order differential non-linear microphone array beamforming
- Second order uniform circular array directional beamforming
- Sensitivity of ULA Direction of Arrival Estimates Using GCC Like Algos
- Signal to noise ratio estimation with two microphones
- Single Directionless Filter For Circular Array Sum & Filter Beamformer
- Single Microphone Speech Enhancement Based on Apriori SNR
- Small beamwidth endfire beamforming
- Sound Localization for Helmets Providing Hearing Protection
- Sound Source Localization
- source to distortion ratio as a measure of BSS performance
- Spectral subtraction of acoustic noise
- Speech Enhancement w/ Multi-Mic Noise Reduction in Diffuse Noise Field
- SRP-PHAT Angle of Arrival Estimation for Beamforming
- Statistical Optimal Beamformers
- Statistical optimal beamformers with steering vector mismatch
- Statistical Optimal Beamformers-Multiple Sidelobe Canceller
- Statistical Optimal Beamformers-Reference Signal Beamformer
- Statistical optimal beamformers: generalized sidelobe canceler
- Super directive beamforming with two microphones
- Superdirective Beamformer
- Testing and Verifying Microphone Arrays
- The Microphone Array Acoustic Beamforming Compromise
- Tools of Plane-Wave Decomposition
- Two microphone beamforming for hearing aids
- Two microphone Endfire Beamformer Signal to Noise
- Two microphone source separation with spatial prior
- ULA directional noise SNR improvements with delay and sum beamformer
- ULA signal to noise plus interference ratio improvements
- ULA uncorrelated noise SNR improvements with delay and sum beamformer
- Uniform Circular Array Directional Noise SNR Improvements
- Uniform Circular Array Uncorrelated Noise SNR Improvements
- Variable descent step size for AEC
- What is Hybrid Beamforming?
- Wideband Acoustic Beamforming Frequency Response Evaluation
- Far field monitoring with microphone arrays
- Acoustic Beamforming Software
- Beamforming for Low Probability of Intercept
- Sound Propagation Models for Beamforming
- Beamforming Algorithms for Ultrasonic Imaging
- User Selection for Multiple Antenna Broadcast Channel
- Beamforming combined with AEC and Noise Suppression
- Wireless Beamforming Techniques
- Beamforming in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Exploiting Spacial Diversity in Single Antenna Systems
- Blind Signal Separation (BSS)
- Blind Source Separation
- Blind Source Separation for Noise Reduction in Mobile
- Blind Source Separation: High Order Statistics Approach
- Correlation Techniques
- Data Modeling
- Deep Learning Based Voice-Activity-Detection (DLVAD)
- Generation of Mixing Functions for BSS and Beamforming
- Hearing: Cocktail Party Problem
- ICA: Independent Component Analysis
- Maximum-Likelihood (ML) Algorithm
- PCA: Principal Component Analysis
- Speech Separation with Microphone Arrays
- Time Delay Estimation
- Undetermined Blind Signal Separation
- Block Diagrams
- Compressed Sensing
- Recovery of Audio Signals with Compressed Sensing
- Adaptive Parity Error Detection for Compressive Imaging
- Background Subtraction using Compressed Sensing
- Interference Cancellation in Compressed Sensed Signals
- Overview of Encryption of Compressed Sensed Images
- Terahertz Imaging for Security using Compressed Sensing
- Enhanced Security Based on Under-Determination in Compressed Sensing
- Error Correction Using Compressed Sensing Techniques
- Gradient Projection Reconstruction of Compressed Sensing Signals
- Compressed Sensing of Images
- Compressed Sensing in Secure JPEG2000 (JPSEC)
- Compressed Sensing for Error Protection in JPWL
- Multipath Channel Estimation with Compressed Sensing
- Noise Resiliency with Compressed Sensing
- Secrecy of Cryptography With Compressed Sensing (CS)
- Single Pixel Camera
- Contact Us
- Cryptography
- Public Key and Secret Key Cryptography
- Steganography
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- Camellia
- CAST-128 and CAST-256
- Data Encryption Standard (DES)
- DSA – Digital Signature Algorithm
- ECDSA – Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
- Encryption
- AES GCM Encryption Algorithms
- Keywrap algorithms – AESKW, AKW1, AKW2, TDKW
- Rabin Digital Signature Algorithm
- RC4 Encryption – RC4 Algorithm
- RSA User Authentication
- RSA Key Size Selection
- Theory of RSA
- SHA-1 and SHA-2 (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512) Hashing Algorithm
- 3DES – Triple Data Encryption Standard (Triple-DES)
- Whirlpool
- Data Modem Solutions
- 56K Modem Software
- Data Modulation Software
- Data Protocol Software
- Command Set Controller Software
- V.22bis / V.22 / Bell 212 / V.23 / V.21 / Bell 103 Modem Software
- V.32bis and V.32 Modem Software
- V.34 Modem Software
- V.42 / V.42bis Software
- V.44 Data Compression Software
- V.90 Modem Software
- V.91 Modem Software
- V.92 Modem Software
- V.92 Modem-on-Hold, PCM upstream and Quick Connect Features
- Datasheets
- Dereverberation
- Comb Filtering in Acoustics
- Controlling RT60 – Practical Notes
- Critical Distance
- Critical Distance and RT60
- Early Reflections
- Frequency domain single channel blind dereverberation
- Information theoretic approach to single channel dereverberation
- Methods of RT60 Estimation
- Minimum Phase LTI Systems in Context of Equalization
- Practice of RT60 Estimation in Bands
- Room Reflections
- Speech Dereverberation using Channel Inversion and Equalization
- Various Models of Room Reverberation
- Voice Activity Detection for Dereverberation
- Speech & Voice Reverberation
- Room Impulse Response
- Dereverberation and Adaptive Beamforming
- Dereverberation using Spectral Subtraction
- Reverberation Cancellation Versus Suppression
- Octave Banks for Acoustic Filtering
- Echo Cancellation
- A and C Weighting via Bilinear Transform
- Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) Barge-In
- Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) for Sparse Echo Paths
- Acoustic Echo Cancellation for Wireless Devices
- Acoustic Echo Paths Characteristics and AEC
- Acoustic Echoes in Mobile
- Acoustic Feedback
- Acoustic Feedback Cancellation and Suppression
- Adaptive Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- Adaptive Filter Algorithm Stability
- Adaptive Impulse Response Estimation Algorithms
- Advantages of VOCAL’s AEC Software: True Fullband Audio Support
- Advantages of VOCAL’s AEC Software: Unusual Echo Response Handling
- AEC and NR Combined using Single Channel Data
- Aligning Audio Streams Captured using Unsynchronized Clocks
- Automatic Echo Delay Compensation for AEC
- Automatic Gain and Saturation Control for an Acoustic Echo Canceller
- Bluetooth Audio and Echo Cancellation: Compression Considerations
- Bluetooth Audio and Echo Cancellation: Delay Considerations
- Comfort Noise Generation in Echo Cancellers
- Convergence and Divergence Check for Cross Spectral Residual Echo Suppression
- Convergence Speed Optimization for NLMS Algorithm
- Critically Sampled Uniform Sub-Band EC using LMS-type Algorithms
- Deep Neural Networks Residual Echo Suppression
- Delay Tracking for Voice over Packet Switched Network
- Digital Network Echo Cancellation Software
- Double Talk Detection Using Cross Correlation
- Double Talk Detection Using Speech Features
- Double-Talk Detection in Echo Cancellation
- Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm
- Echo Cancellation based on Adaptive IIR Filtering
- Echo Cancellation: Cross Spectral Residual Echo Suppression
- Echo in Voice over IP Networks
- Echo Path Delay Identification Offline
- Echo Paths for Hands-Free Terminals
- Efficient Fullband and Wideband AEC Implementations
- Energy and Level Estimation for G.168 Testing
- Equalization For ETSI-Compliant Audio Facility
- Estimating ERL from AF FIR Taps
- ETSI Audio Room Equalization – Selected Details
- Far-end Echo Delay Estimation with the Presence of Near-end Echo
- Far-End Line Echo Canceller
- Feedback Mitigation – Frequency Suppression
- Feedback Mitigation – Phase Modulation
- FIR Filter Design
- Fixed Point Mathematics for Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- Frequency domain acoustic echo cancellation
- Fullband Information Aiding a Subband Echo Canceller
- G.167 Acoustic Echo Canceller
- G.168 Defined Echo Path Models
- G.168 Test Methodology
- Gammachirp Filter for Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC)
- Haar Wavelet Decomposition in Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC)
- Hidden Markov Models for Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC)
- High-Pass Filters in Echo Cancellers
- Impulse Response Estimation for Audio via Complementary Sequences
- In-Car Communication (ICC): Delay-Critical Applications
- Kalman Filter in Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC)
- Level Measurements via ITU P56 and Weighting
- Line & Acoustic Echo Canceller Combined
- Line / Network Echo Canceller
- Line and Acoustic Echo Diagnostics
- Line Echo Canceller with Backup FIR Filter
- Line Echo Canceller with Bulk Delay Compensation
- Linear Phase Filters in Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- Multi-Channel Acoustic Feedback/Echo Cancellation
- Multi-channel AEC Performance Tradeoffs
- Musical Noise Mitigation in Nonlinear Processing of Echo
- Network Delays and Line / Network Echo Canceller Provisioning
- Non-Linear AEC
- Non-Linear Processing in Echo Cancellation
- Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- PESQ for AEC Evaluation
- Potential Instability of NE/FE System with Echo Cancellation
- Potential Instability of NE/FE System without Echo Cancellation
- Proportionate Normalized Least Mean Squares Adaptation
- Psychoacoustic Echo Cancellation
- Residual echo suppression
- Signal De-Correlation
- Sparse Echo Cancellers
- Spatial Aliasing in a Microphone Array
- Spatial Sampling and Aliasing with Microphone Array
- Stability Control by Echo Canceller
- Stereo Acoustic Echo Cancellation for Conferencing
- Stereo Acoustic Echo Canceller (AEC)
- Stereo and Surround Sound Acoustic Feedback / EC
- Stereo and Surround Sound Acoustic Feedback/Echo Cancellation
- Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- Sub-Band Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- Subband Acoustic Echo Cancellation with Variable Echo Tail Lengths
- Tandem Echo Cancellers
- The Multi-channel Acoustic Echo Cancellation Problem
- Tonal Input Suppression Problem
- Tone Detectors in Echo Cancellers
- Two microphone adaptive nullforming for vehicle environment
- Two microphone auditory sub band adaptive nullforming
- Variable Tap Length Filters for Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC)
- Viterbi Algorithm in Speech Enhancement and HMM
- VoIP Echo Cancellation
- VoIP Echo Cancellation Software
- Volterra AEC
- What is Multichannel AEC?
- Zero-Delay Feedback and Echo Cancellation
- Requirements for Acoustic Echo Cancellation and Noise Reduction
- The Combination of Adaptive Filters
- Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) Software
- Two-Path Method for Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- Robust Adaptive Algorithms for Echo Cancellation
- Anti-howling
- Echo Cancellation in Cellular Networks
- Echo Control on Codec Parameters
- The Combined Reduction of Echo and Noise
- AEC for Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Hardware
- The Affect of Convergence Speed in the Two-Path Method
- Cross-Correlations in Echo Cancellation
- Double-Talk Detection (DTD)
- Estimating Echo Return Loss and Echo Return Loss Enhancement
- Frequency Domain Adaptive Filtering in Echo Cancellation
- Frequency Offset Compensation in Echo Cancellation
- G.165 Echo Canceller Software
- G.168 Line Echo Canceller Software
- Handling of Nonlinearities in Echo Cancellation
- Echo Cancellation in IP Networks
- Multichannel Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- Non-conventional Applications of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC)
- The Perception of Echo
- Post Filtering for Residual Echo Control
- Statistical Joint Control of Acoustic Echo Canceller and Post-Filter
- Subband Adaptive Filtering
- Variable Step-size and Regularization Parameters for NLMS
- Wideband Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- VOCAL Technologies Engineering Services
- Forward Error Correction Algorithms
- Fax Modem Solutions
- Fax Demodulator and Fax Decoder
- Fax Monitoring and Diagnostics
- Fax Command Set Software
- Fax Modulation
- Fax Protocol Software
- T.30 Fax Software
- T.30-E Color Fax Software
- V.17 Fax Software
- V.21 Channel 2 Fax Software
- V.27ter Fax Software
- V.29 Fax Software
- V.34 Fax Software
- Secure Faxing with JPSEC
- Fax Monitoring and Recording
- Hardware Reference Designs
- Lawful Interception
- Networking
- IEEE 802.11
- IPv6 – Internet Protocol Version 6
- TR-104
- TR-111
- IEEE 802.11e
- IEEE 802.11n
- 802.11 Authentication and Association
- 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF)
- Distortion Based Networking – Ad Hoc Wireless Routing
- Distortion Minimizing Rate Control for Wireless Multimedia Networks
- Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
- Dynamic Directional RTS/CTS
- ICE: Interactive Connectivity Establishment
- Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)
- IPsec for uClinux
- LANsEND IPv4/IPv6 Network Operating System
- Medium Access Control for Distortion Based Networking
- Multicast and Unicast Streaming Media
- TR-098
- Nat/Firewall Software
- Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
- Classic STUN Protocol: Simple Traversal of UDP Through NAT
- STUN Server in ICE Context
- TURN: Traversal Using Relay NAT Software
- Network Utility Maximization (NUM) for Resource Allocation
- Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) Software
- Background Noise Reduction
- Active Noise Control / Active Noise Cancellation
- Advanced Noise Reduction via HMM
- Basics of Kalman Filters
- Choice of Loss Function for Neural Networks
- Dual Mic Voice Enhancement Solution for Hands-free Radio Applications
- Dual Microphone Adaptive Noise Reduction
- Forensic Speaker Recognition Preprocessor
- Iterative Spectrum Subtraction Noise Reduction
- Keyboard Click Removal
- Microphone Noise Reduction
- More on Observations Regarding Musical Noise
- Multi-Mic Noise Reduction Software
- Musical Noise in Acoustic Noise Reduction
- Neural Network Monaural Feature Selection for Speech Enhancement
- Noise Cancellation Application
- Noise Estimation: Dynamics v. Stationarity
- Noise Reduction Solutions
- Noise Reduction via Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
- Noise Reduction via Speech Modeling
- Noise Reduction with Expanded Dynamic Range
- Noise Reduction: An Instructional Example
- Optimizing Deep Neural Networks
- Perceptual Noise Reduction for Voice Quality Enhancement
- Perceptual-Based Spectrum Subtraction Noise Reduction
- Real-Time Audio Filtering
- Single Channel Wind Noise Detection
- Sound Isolation for Noise Control in Communications
- Statistical Analysis of Random Signals
- Subband Domain Adaptive Noise Cancellation
- Supervised Learning for DNN Speech Enhancement
- Synthetic Noise for Voice Enhancement
- Synthetic Noise of Predefined Spectrum for Voice Enhancement
- The FFT: An Efficient Class of Algorithms
- The Motivation for Deep Neural Network Speech Enhancement
- The Simple Theory of Noise Reduction: Wiener Filtering
- The Transversal Wiener Filter
- Unifying Spectrum Subtraction with Wiener Filtering
- Using Noise Modeling for Speech Enhancement
- Using Statistical Models for Speech Enhancement
- Voice Activity Detection (VAD)
- Voice-Activity-Detection (VAD) Feature Set
- Wind Noise in Mobile Telecommunication
- Noise Reduction Using Minimum Mean Square Estimators (MMSE)
- Model-Based Speech Enhancement
- Monaural Speech Separation
- Noise Reduction of Non-stationary Noise Sources
- Single Microphone Active Noise Cancellation
- Two microphone active noise cancellation
- Voice activity detector in highly degraded environments
- Psychoacoustic Noise Suppression
- The Artifacts of Spectral Subtraction
- Particle Swarm Optimization
- Image Compression Using Compressed Sensing & PSO
- Motion Tracking using Particle Swarm Optimization
- PSO in the RWA Process for All-Optical WDM Networks
- Particle Swarm Optimization in Signal Separation
- Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in Speech Enhancement
- Adapting Particle Swarm Optimization with State of Convergence
- Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO)
- Time Delay of Arrival (TDOA) using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
- Noise Reduction using SVD and PSO
- Particle Swarm Optimization in the Design of Adaptive FIR Filters
- Particle Swarm Optimization in the Design of Adaptive IIR Filters
- Particle Swarm Optimization in Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC)
- Adaptive Antenna Arrays using Particle Swarm Optimization
- Blind Signal Separation (BSS) using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
- Particle Swarm Optimization on FPGA
- Gaussian Particle Swarm Optimization (GPSO)
- PSO in the Grassmannian Line Packing Problem for MIMO Beamforming
- Euclidean Particle Swarm Optimization (EPSO)
- Perceptual Filtering
- Press Releases
- AEC Plus Integrates Speech Enhancement, AGC and Echo Tail Search
- Dereverberation Brings the Far-End Speaker Up Close and Clear
- Enhanced TR-069 VoIP Stack For Lawful Interception Assets
- Enhanced VoIP Stack Design with Echo Cancellation
- HD Video Reference Design Lowers Cost of 1080P Videoconferencing
- Multi-Channel Video Framework Unleashes Potential of DaVinci DM8168
- Teletics MoNet MoIP Gateway Implements VOCAL’s Enhanced Modem
- VOCAL & Tilgin to Leverage TR-069 for Enhanced Customer Services
- VOCAL Announces HD Video MCU Reference Design
- VOCAL Creates Unique Solution to Help Transition from Analog to VoIP
- VOCAL Extends the Longevity of Payment Processing with SAMS
- VOCAL Helps Utility Companies Overcome Meter Reading Challenges
- VOCAL’s VoIP Software Stack Includes Android Optimized ITU, GSM
- VOCALs Comprehensive Fax Diag Troubleshoot Fax Transmission Issues
- VOCAL Software Translates Video For 2.5G/3G Handsets
- VOCAL Software Enables WLAN Implementation
- VOCAL Technologies Unveils RAS Over IP™ Technology
- VOCAL Adds DSP Functionality to MIPS New 32-Bit Pro Series
- VOCAL Turbo Codes Boost IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g
- VOCAL LDPC Codes Extend IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g
- VOCAL Quadruples Battery Life in IEEE Wireless LAN Mobile Units
- VOCAL Inks Accord With Agilent Technologies
- VOCAL Offers Build-to-Suit IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g
- VOCAL Provides the Voice for Sorenson Hybrid Chips
- VOCAL Technologies Provides Turnkey DSP Software Solution
- New Adapters from VOCAL enhance VOIP service, accommodate more phones
- VOCAL Adds DSP Functionality to MIPS New 32-Bit Pro Series Cores
- VOCAL Introduces Optimal CTR-AES, CBC-MAC-AES, and CCMP-AES
- VOCAL Provides Its AES-128 for DTCP Using Microprocessors
- VOCAL Selects SMSC as Its Ethernet Silicon Supplier
- VOCAL Announces Single-Processor VoIP-Analog Telephone Adapter
- New Internet PBX ATA (iPBX) & PBXtender Extends VoIP to Homes, Offices
- VOCAL Teams with SOC Technology for Production of VoIP Speaker Phone
- VOCAL Technologies Chooses Legerity VoicePort for Ultra Low Cost ATA
- Resources
- Bessel and Hankel Functions
- Development Articles
- Adding a Custom Module to the Linux Kernel
- Building Native Android Libraries
- Decision Making in Linux Shell Scripts
- Functions in Linux Shell Scripts
- How Can I Analyze the Stability of a Physics-Based Discreet Time-Step Simulation?
- How Can I Build a C# Application for an Embedded ARM Processor?
- How can I build a firmware image for the Beaglebone PRU?
- How Can I Call Shared Library Functions from C# in Linux?
- How Can I Control GPIOs on Embedded Linux from Python?
- How can I control text file line endings using Perl?
- How can I control the audio route for Bluetooth in an Android or iOS application?
- How can I control the bitrate of an H.264 stream?
- How Can I Extract Image Data from a TIFF File?
- How Can I Find Files on the Linux Command Line?
- How Can I Find the Latest Version of a File Using a Linux Shell Script?
- How Can I Find the Latest Version of a File Using a Windows Batch Script?
- How can I generate URIs for SIP messages?
- How Can I Get the Local Address for Incoming UDP Packets in Linux?
- How Can I Get the Local Address for Incoming UDP Packets in Windows?
- How Can I Implement a Configuration File for a Perl Script?
- How Can I Implement Audio Sample Rate Conversion?
- How can I implement double-buffering in shared memory?
- How can I Iterate Files in a Folder Tree Using Perl?
- How Can I Marshal an Array of Structures from C# to Native Code?
- How Can I Parse an Integer from a String in C Code?
- How Can I Parse Command Line Arguments in Perl?
- How Can I Parse Data to a Hash of Arrays in Perl?
- How can I re-use code in Linux shell scripts?
- How Can I Receive Multicast Packets Using the Berkeley Sockets API?
- How Can I Remove a Bee from My Office?
- How Can I Run an Interactive Program from a Linux Shell Script?
- How can I Search for C Function Calls Using Perl?
- How Can I Send Multicast Packets Using the Berkeley Sockets API?
- How Can I Start a Linux Thread using C?
- How Can I Start a Win32 Thread using C?
- How Can I Use a Pre-Built Native Shared Object Library in an Android Studio Application?
- How Can I Use an ALSA Device from Multiple Processes?
- How can I use watchdog hardware in Linux?
- How Can I Use Zip Archives on the Command Line?
- How Can I Write A Linux Shell Script That Can Be Run From Any Folder?
- How Can I Write a Windows Batch Script that Can Be Run from Any Folder?
- How Can I Write Directly to the Console from the Linux Kernel?
- How do I build a Linux device tree?
- How do I Build Native Libraries for iOS Applications?
- How do I control an I2C bus from a Linux application?
- How do I control GPIOs in Linux?
- How do I control indicator LEDs in embedded Linux systems?
- How do I debug an embedded Linux program using GDB?
- How do I encode or decode video with the Android NDK?
- How do I make a TCP client using the Berkeley sockets API?
- How do I make a TCP server using the Berkeley sockets API?
- How do I make a TLS client connection using OpenSSL?
- How do I make a TLS server connection using OpenSSL?
- How do I make TLS certificates for testing?
- How do I return values from functions in Linux shell scripts?
- How do I run a Linux shell script?
- How Do I Transfer MPEG2 Video in an RTP Stream?
- How Do I Use Apple CallKit in Xamarin?
- How do I Use DependencyService in Xamarin?
- How do I use Linux initramfs?
- How do I Use OpenSLES for Audio in Native Android Libraries?
- How do I use padding in RTP packets?
- How do I use the AM335x PRU with Linux?
- How Do I Use the Analog Inputs on the AM335x Processor?
- How Does Branching and Decision-Making Work in Perl?
- How Should I Fill Out the Payload Type Field of an RTP Packet?
- How to Optimize Fixed Point Frequency Domain Filter
- Implementing Callback Functions in C# Wrappers for Native Code
- Overview of Environment Variables in Linux
- Overview of JNI for Android Applications
- Overview of Linux System Building using Cross-Compiling
- Overview of Makefiles
- Parsing Text Files Line by Line
- Scripting with U-Boot Environment Variables
- Setting the Time on an Embedded Linux Device using NTP
- Using a Custom Linux Kernel in Buildroot
- Using Asynchronous Processing in JavaScript
- Using GStreamer Pad Probes
- Using LibAV for Video Encoding and Decoding
- Using Multi-Planar Image Formats
- Using pthread Conditions for Thread Synchronization
- Using SCP for File Transfer with Embedded Linux Systems
- Using the I2C Bus in Linux Kernel Space
- Using the Linux I2C-Tools Software
- Using the OpenGL Shading Language for Pixel Format Conversion
- Using Thread Local Storage
- What Are the Components of a Video Conferencing Device?
- What is a DTLS fingerprint?
- What Is a Sinc Filter?
- What is Acoustic Imaging?
- What is alsamixer?
- What is Buildroot?
- What is Cyclomatic Complexity?
- What Is Fixed-Point Math?
- What is Inlining?
- What is JSON?
- What is Linux device tree?
- What is Logically Dead Code?
- What is Loop Unrolling?
- What is Modified Condition / Decision Coverage?
- What is Pin Multiplexing on Embedded Processors?
- What is SDP?
- What is SEI Cert C?
- What is Shift-Left Testing?
- What is SIP?
- What is SRTP?
- What is Statement Code Coverage?
- What is the Linux menuconfig system?
- What is the PRU co-processor on the Beaglebone?
- What T.38 Parameters can be in SDP?
- Why is Shifting Necessary in Fixed Point FFTs?
- Introduction to MISRA C
- Schroeder Integration and Reverberation Time
- The Impending Removal of Digital Lines
- VOCAL Technologies Reference Designs
- Current Research
- Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
- DSP Developer Resources
- DSP links
- Secure Communication
- Frequency Scrambler and Frequency Inversion
- The Importance of Physical Layer Security in Emerging Networks
- The Missing Security Layer
- JPSEC Authentication Template
- EAPoL Protocol – Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN
- JPSEC Decryption Template
- CCMP – Cipher Block Chaining
- JPSEC Hash Template
- JPSEC Key Information Template
- JPSEC Registration Authority (RA)
- JPSEC Tools
- Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
- Document Signature by Multiple Parties
- EAP – Extensible Authentication Protocol
- EAP Types – Extensible Authentication Protocol Types information
- JPSEC: Secure JPEG2000
- Secure Application Configuration Access Protocol – ACAP over SSL/TLS
- EAPoW – Extensible Authentication Protocol over Wireless
- Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP)
- Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
- Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) Protocol
- Multimedia Internet Keying – MIKEY
- Secure Internet Message Access Protocol – IMAP Over SSL /TLS
- Secure Simple Mail Transport Protocol – SMTP over SSL/TLS
- Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions & S/MIME Software
- What is a WPA? WiFi Protected Access
- Assured Services Session Initiation Protocol (AS-SIP)
- Session Initiation Protocol – SIP Protocol
- SIP Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA)
- SIP Servers
- SIP Sessions
- SIP Trunking
- SIP User Authentication
- Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)
- SIP Conferencing
- SIP Call Forwarding
- Locating SIP Servers
- SIP Message Routing
- Session Initiated Protocol Messaging – SIP Messaging
- SIP Presence
- SIP Registration
- Secure SIP
- SIP Session Timers
- SIP Call Transferring
- Software Modules
- Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
- Communication Security Software Library
- Data Modem Software
- Echo Cancellation Software
- Embedded Software Modules
- Fax Modem Software Library
- Radio Software Library
- RISC–V Software Modules
- Video Software Library
- VOCAL’s Lawful Interception Software
- Voice Software Library
- VoIP Software – Voice Over IP Software
- Specialty Technologies
- Speech Coder and Compression Software
- ALSA Codec Configuration
- Audio Sample Rate Converter
- CVSD Codec – Continuously Variable Slope Delta
- Fractional Resampling
- G.729 and Its Application in the Cellular Market
- G.729 Annex D
- Identifying Audio Devices in ALSA
- ITU G.711.0 Lossless Codec
- ITU G.711.1 Embedded Wideband Codec
- ITU G.719 Codec
- Linux Driver Model for SoC Audio
- Opus Audio Codec Solutions
- Testing ALSA Drivers with aplay and arecord
- Vocoder Transcoding Software
- ITU Speech Coders
- GSM Speech Coders
- Wideband Speech Coders
- Other Speech Coders
- Packet Loss Concealment (PLC) in Vocoders
- PSQM, PSQM+ & Perceptual Scale
- Speech Codecs and Associated PSQM Values
- LPC-10e Codec
- MELP Codec
- How to Choose a Speech Coder?
- MELP Modifications to LPC-10
- MELPe Codec
- Stability of LPC Filters in Vocoders
- Wideband Energy Detection in Scalable Speech Coding
- Windowing in Vocoders to Remove Artifacts
- 218x Resource Requirements
- Allpass Filters in Vocoders
- Arithmetic Coding in Vocoders
- Efficient Implementation of LPC Analysis Filters
- Comfort Noise Generation in Vocoders
- Evaluating Speech Coders
- G.711 Codec – G 711a
- G.722 Vocoder
- G.722.2 Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB)
- G.723.1 Codec
- G.726 Codec
- G.722.1 Codec
- G.728 Codec
- G.729 Codec
- G.729A Codec
- G.729.1 / G.729EV Codec
- G.729AB Codec
- GSM Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) Codec
- GSM Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) Codec
- GSM Half Rate (HR) Codec
- Enhanced Voice Services (EVS) Codec
- GSM Full Rate (FR) Codec
- iLBC (Internet Low Bitrate) Vocoder
- Opus Codec
- SILK Codec
- Speex Codec
- Speech Recognition
- Activation Functions of Neural Networks
- Automatic Speech Recognition and Speech Enhancement
- Machine Learning Algorithms
- Measuring Detector Performance in Voice Activity Detection
- Microphone Array Aided Distant Speech Recognition
- Room Quality Modeling
- Speaker Diarization
- Vanishing Gradient of Deep Neural Networks
- Speech Composition for Recognition
- Stochastic Resonance
- System Designs
- Analog Audio Over IP (AoIP) – Radio over IP (RoIP)
- Analog Telephone Recorder Reference Design
- DM8168 Video Software and Framework
- HD Video Reference Design
- Media Gateway Reference Design
- Remote Access Server over IP™ (RASoIP™)
- Remote Radio Monitoring
- RoIP Gateway – Radio Over IP Gateway
- Serial over IP Integrated Communicator
- Soft Radio Reference Design
- SoIP – Serial over IP Gateway Reference Design
- Space Application Development Board
- Space Application Development Board for Full Duplex Voice Comms
- TR-069 Reference Design
- VoIP Gateway Reference Design
- VoIP Radio Reference Design
- VoIP Reference Design
- Resource Requirements
- Supported Processors and Architectures
- VOCAL’s Supported Operating Systems
- Telephony Software
- Video Design Solutions
- AdaBoost Training Algorithm for Viola-Jones Object Detection
- Adaptive Bitrate Streaming
- Advanced Motion Adaptive Deinterlacer
- Advanced Motion Adaptive Directional Deinterlacer
- Analog TV Demodulation
- Analog TV Modulation
- Analog TV Standards
- ATSC Digital Terrestrial TV Modulator
- ATSC Digital Terrestrial TV Receiver
- ATSC Digital Terrestrial TV Transmitter
- Backend Video Processing
- Basic Directional Video Scaler
- Basic Motion Adaptive Deinterlacer
- Basic Motion Detector For Motion Adaptive Deinterlacer
- Basic Video Scaler
- Basic Video Sharpening
- Basic Video Sharpening with Controlled Granularity and Noise Coring
- Blocking Artifact Reduction
- Buffer Management in Video Streaming Applications
- Color Management
- Combined Video Scaler and Sharpener
- Correlation Noise in Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
- DCT Transform Digital Watermarking
- Deinterlacing
- Digital Video Broadcasting for Cable Systems DVB-C
- Digital Video Broadcasting for Satellite Systems DVB-S
- Digital Video Broadcasting for Terrestrial Systems DVB-T
- Digital Video Surveillance Security Cameras
- Digital Watermarking
- Digital Watermarking for H.264 Video Compression
- Distributed Video Coding (DVC)
- Drawing Text Overlays on Live Video Displays
- DVB-T Receiver
- Dynamic Adaptive Streaming of Video over HTTP (MPEG-DASH)
- Embedded Zerotree in Wavelet Image Compression
- Equalizer for ATSC Digital Terrestrial TV Receiver
- Estimation of Complex Signal Magnitude and Angle
- Face Detection using Viola-Jones Algorithm
- Flesh Tone Noise Reduction Correction
- FM Audio Demodulator
- H.264/AVC Interpolation in Interframe Prediction
- H.264/AVC Syntax
- H.264/AVC Transform
- H.264/AVC Video Decoder
- Hadamard Transform Digital Watermarking
- Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) for Object Detection
- Human Detection and Tracking in Video Surveillance System
- Implementation of FIR using Downsampling
- Implementation of FIR with Steep Rolloff & High Level of Attenuation
- Impulse Noise immunity for AGC
- Impulse Noise in TV channels
- Interactive Video Technology
- Interframe Noise Reduction for Video
- Local Direction Detector
- Managing Different Aspect Ratios in Video Displays
- Mobile Live Streaming
- Mobile Video-on-Demand
- Mosquito Noise Reduction
- Narrow Passband Spectrum Filtering by Downsampling & Trivial Rotation
- Noise Reduction using Combined Linear-Median Filter
- Noise Reduction using Spatial Level Control Filter
- OFDM Modulation
- Overshoot for Video Sharpening
- Overview of Video Capture in Linux
- P2P Mesh-Based Live Video Streaming
- P2P Multi-Tree Based Live Video Streaming
- P2P Network
- P2P on Demand Mesh-Based Live Video Streaming
- P2P Single Tree Based Video Streaming
- P2P Streaming – P2P Video Streaming
- P2P Video on Demand
- Pixel-Domain Wyner-Ziv Coding
- Profiles and Levels in H.264/AVC
- Progressive Download
- QoE in 3GPP DASH
- Quality of Experience (QoE) for Streaming Video
- Remote Video Surveillance
- RGB and CMYK Color Space Conversion
- RGB and HSV/HSI/HSL Color Space Conversion
- RGB and YUV Color Space Conversion
- Ringing in Scaling
- Scalable Video Compression based on Wavelets
- Scalable Video Encoding
- Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) for Object Detection
- Security in P2P Video Streaming
- Signaling Methods for Video Streaming
- Spatial Domain Digital Watermarking
- Speed Capture in Video Surveillance
- Stride in Raw Video Images
- Surveillance Video Coding with Background Preprocessing
- Timestamp Semantics in RTP Video Streaming
- Transform-Domain Wyner-Ziv Coding
- User Adaptive Video Streaming
- Using OpenGL to Display Streaming Video
- Video Conferencing Technology
- Video Description Technology
- Video Processing Architecture
- Video Scaling
- Video Sharpening with Controlled Granularity
- Video Sharpening with Diagonal Sharpening Control
- Video Streaming Protocols RTP, RTCP and RTSP
- Video Streaming Technology
- Video Streaming to Mobile Devices
- Video Surveillance for Biometrics
- Video Surveillance Technology
- Wavelet Transform Digital Watermarking
- What Is Video Compression Technology
- Working with Video Decoders
- Working with Video Encoders
- Video Codecs
- VP8 Video Codec
- ITU H.264
- ITU H.263
- JPEG 2000
- JPEG2000 Rate and Quality Scalability
- JPEG2000 and H.264 for Video Surveillance
- Wavelet Transform for Sparsity in JPEG2000
- JPEG2000 Image Transmission using JPIP
- Secure JPEG2000 (JPSEC) Images
- Wireless JPEG2000 Transmission and Unequal Error Protection using JPWL
- MPEG-2
- MPEG-4
- Audio
- Application of Psychoacoustic Modeling in Audio Coding
- Audio Conferencing
- Digital Audio Watermarking
- Errors in Localization using Non-individualized Head-Related Transfers
- Evaluation of Acoustic Parameters
- Filter Banks
- Monaural Cues & Features of Head-Related Transfer Functions
- Optimal Sampling Rate for Audio Communications
- Overview of HRTF Modeling
- Psychoacoustic Effects: Masking
- Psychoacoustic Phenomena: Precedence Effect
- What are the components of a SoC audio system?
- Why are High Pass Filters Important in Audio Signal Processing?
- Acoustic Wave Simulations
- Audio Ducking
- Binaural Cues in Lateral Localization
- Brief Introduction to Ambisonics
- Head-Related Transfer Functions
- Noise Models in Testing of Sound Capture Signals
- Voice Activity Detection for Voice Control Applications
- Voice Design Solutions
- Voice Processing
- Voice Enhancement – Voice Quality Enhancement (VQE)
- Adaptive voice activity detection using time domain zero crossings
- Amplitude modulation spectrum detection for speech
- Automatic Volume Control
- Autoregressive model for speech processing in frequency domain
- Bandwidth Extension
- Classification Model Assessment and Validation for Voice Detection
- Control Logic for Adaptive Noise Cancellation
- Eigen Space Voice Activity Detector for Multiple Microphone Array
- Feedback controller design for audio AGC
- First order derivative to detect speech onset and offset
- First order digital equalizers
- Frame Based Maximum Likelihood Classification of Speech
- Frequency modulation detection for speech
- Generalized Solution to the Minimum Variance Distortionless Response
- Hilbert Transform in Signal Processing
- How to get reverberation out of a single microphone recording
- Howling detection based on LMS algorithm
- Low Latency Speech Enhancement In-Car Communication Systems
- Maximum likelihood classification of speech and background noise
- Maximum Likelihood Voice Activity Detector
- Multi-Band Dynamic Range Compression (DRC) Software
- Noise Cancellation Microphones
- Noise Cancellation Microphones for Automatic Speech Recognition
- Non-linear Loudspeaker Microphone Enclosure Compensation
- Objective Testing of Speech Enhancement Algorithms
- Parametric Equalization (EQ) Filtering Software
- Psycho-Acoustic Bass Enhancement
- Removing musical noise from denoised speech
- Second order digital equalizers
- Signal Detectors and Classifiers
- Signal Restoration in Frequency Domain via Prediction
- Speech Enhancement and Speech Intelligibility
- Speech Pitch Detection Using Modified Average Magnitude Difference
- Speech pitch detection using the average magnitude difference function
- Speech pitch detection using the magnitude average product function
- Voice activity detection with adaptive thresholding
- Voice activity detection with long term spectral divergence
- Voice activity detection with spectral flux
- Voice Activity Detectors and Their Applications
- Voice Quality Enhancement for Conference Room Speakerphones
- Voice Quality Enhancement for Radio Communications
- Voice Quality Enhancement for Robots
- Voice Quality Enhancement for Smart Speakers
- Voice Quality Enhancement for TWS Earbuds
- VoIP Stack Featuring Voice Quality Enhancement (VQE)
- Wearable Devices Utilize Voice Quality Enhancement
- Yule-Walker Algorithm and Method Used in Voice Enhancement
- Maintaining the Harmonic Structures for Speech Enhancement
- Voice Activity Detection (VAD) Software
- Battlefield VOX Software
- The Cause of Echoes in Coding
- Dual Channel Noise Estimation for Speech Enhancement
- Echo Reduction in Coding
- Error Concealment for Speech Transmission
- Measuring Speech Quality
- Standard Methods of VAD
- Speech Enhancement Software – Speech Enhancer
- Speech Enhancement Utilizing a Bone Conduction Microphone
- Voice Over IP (VoIP)
- Analog Modem Adapter
- Analog Modem Adapter with LTE Connectivity
- Codecs Used in Voice over IP Technologies
- Jitter Buffer for Voice over IP
- Mobile Voice over IP Technology
- Mobile Voice over IP Technology using H.323
- Mobile Voice over IP Technology using SIP
- Packet Loss Concealment
- Point of Sale Modem Support on VoIP Networks
- QUIC Protocol
- SAMS MV-90 xi Meter Polling
- Secure SIP Analog Modem Server (SSAMS)
- Session Border Controller (SBC)
- SIP Analog Modem Server (SAMS)
- SIP Analog Modem Server (SAMS) for TTY/TDD
- SIP Analog Modem Server – Alarm Panels
- SIP Analog Modem Server – Modem as a Service (SAMS-MAAS)
- SIP Analog Modem Server for Facsimile (SAMS-F)
- SIP Analog Modem Server – Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol Gateway
- SIP Analog Modem Solutions
- SIP Software Modem
- Transparent Data Modem Relay for Legacy Applications
- UAV VoIP Gateway
- V.150.1 Gateway Solution
- V.151 Gateway
- V.152 Gateway
- vIPer™ Phone VoIP Solution | V.150 Gateway | STE phones too
- Voice over IP Adapters (ATA)
- Voice over IP Packet Structure
- VoIP Effects on Data Modem Communications
- VoIP Technology
- Why modems fail with traditional Analog Telephone Adaptors
- MVoIP and Mobile VoIP Software
- Android VoIP SDK
- MGCP – Media Gateway Control Protocol
- Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP)
- Session Description Protocol – SDP Protocol
- MoIP – Modem over IP
- Radio over IP (RoIP)
- Secure Real Time Transport Protocol – Secure RTP
- Fax over IP (FoIP)
- T.38 Fax over IP Software Solution
- T.38 Transmission Over SRTP
- T.38 Image Extraction from Captured Network Data
- Current Proposed Modifications to T.38
- T.38 Prioritization in a Universal Gateway
- Comparison of T.38 Transmission Over UDPTL or RTP
- Comparison of Facsimile Transmission over T.38 and V.152
- VoIP Vocoders
- Voice and Video over IP (V2oIP) Software
- Web Real Time Communications (WebRTC)
- Embedded WebRTC for IoT Applications
- Establishing a WebRTC Media Session
- How do I send WebRTC objects through a WebSocket?
- Overview of ICE for WebRTC
- Overview of the JavaScript API for WebRTC
- WebRTC and Complete Call Security
- WebRTC and VOIP Compatibility
- WebRTC Communications Security
- WebRTC Enabled VoIP Endpoints
- WebRTC Gateways
- WebSockets and SIP over WebSockets
- White Papers
- VOCAL.com Complete Website Sitemap