Complete Communications Engineering

Fixed-point math is a way to represent fractional values using integers.  This is done by selecting a constant scaling factor that is implicitly applied to every value.  The scaling factor defines a step size, and the integer value defines a number of steps.  The number of steps is usually relative to zero.  Fixed-point math is commonly used for audio and video signal processing where each sample is represented by an integer, either signed or unsigned, with a fixed number of bits.  In many cases, the scaling factor is selected so the fractional range is -1.0 – 1.0 or 0 – 1.0, but other scaling factors may be used depending on the application.  The following table gives some examples:


Scaling Factor


8-bit unsigned


0.0 – 0.99609375

16-bit unsigned


0.0 – 255.99609375

16-bit unsigned


0.0 – 0.9999847412109375

16-bit signed


-1.0 – 0.999969482421875

In computer programming, powers of 2 are commonly used as scaling factors because they can be applied by bit shifting.  This is required when multiplying and dividing fixed-point numbers to restore the proper scaling factor after the operation.  The following equations illustrate multiplication and division using fixed-point math:

The actual value represented is an integer multiplied by the scaling factor.

x_f = x_i \cdot S

For multiplication, the correct fractional result is obtained by multiplying the integer result by the scaling factor.

a_f \cdot b_f = c_f = (a_i \cdot S) \cdot (b_i \cdot S)= (a_i \cdot b_i ) \cdot S^{2}

c_f = c_i \cdot S \to c_i = (a_i \cdot b_i) \cdot S

For division, the correct fractional result is obtained by dividing the integer result by the scaling factor.

\frac{a_f}{b_f} = c_f =\frac{a_i \cdot S}{b_i \cdot S} = \frac{a_i}{b_i}

c_f = c_i \cdot S \to c_i = \frac{a_i}{b_i \cdot S}

In code, these operations require extra precision in the intermediate values.  The following code example demonstrates fixed-point multiplication and division in C:


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdint.h>


/* Signed 16-bit integer range -1.0 – 1.0 */

#define SCALE_SHIFT 15

#define SCALE_FACTOR (1.0 / (double)(1 << SCALE_SHIFT))


int main()


    int16_t a, b, c;

    int32_t temp;


    a = 1234;   /* 0.03765869140625 */

    b = 8765;   /* 0.267486572265625 */


    temp = a * b;

    c = (int16_t)(temp >> SCALE_SHIFT);

    printf(“%d * %d = %d\n”, a, b, c);

    printf(“%f * %f = %f\n”, a * SCALE_FACTOR, b * SCALE_FACTOR,

                             c * SCALE_FACTOR);


    temp = ((int32_t)a << SCALE_SHIFT) / b;

    c = (int16_t)temp;

    printf(“%d / %d = %d\n”, a, b, c);

    printf(“%f / %f = %f\n”, a * SCALE_FACTOR, b * SCALE_FACTOR,

                             c * SCALE_FACTOR);


    return 0;


Expected Output

1234 * 8765 = 330

0.037659 * 0.267487 = 0.010071

1234 / 8765 = 4613

0.037659 / 0.267487 = 0.140778