Complete Communications Engineering

Real Time Streaming Protocol, or RTSP, is used to control real-time streaming media applications such as live audio and HD video streaming. The software establishes a media session between RTSP end-points and initiates RTP streams to deliver the audio and video payload from the RTSP media servers to the clients. By way of comparison, SIP also sets up and negotiates media sessions, but is intended for conferences and bidirectional full-duplex communication, where as RTSP is focused on unidirectional streaming.

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VOCAL’s RTSP protocol source code is optimized for DSPs and conventional processors from ADI, TI, Intel, ARM and other vendors. RTSP software may be licensed as a library or part of a complete design. Custom solutions are also available. Contact us to discuss your specific requirements for RTSP media streaming.


RTSP – Real-Time Streaming Protocol

RTSP is a network control protocol used to establish and control media sessions between end points. Clients issue commands to control playback of media files from one or more RTSP media servers. RTSP uses TCP to maintain an end-to-end connection while  the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is typically used for delivery of media streams over UDP.

RTSP may interact with HTTP such that different hand-off points are specified between a web server and a media server. This allows, for example, a presentation description file to be requested using RTSP or HTTP. The description file identifies the media stream(s) with encoding, language, and other parameters to enable a  RTSP client to select an appropriate combination of media for the presentation.

RTSP defines a session state to be able to correlate RTSP requests with a stream.

An RTSP server may offer multiple presentations with unique IDs. An RTSP client will request a specific presentation by its ID using a DESCRIBE request. When the server receives a DESCRIBE request, it will look up information for the presentation and either return an OK response with SDP, or an error response if the presentation was not found. Next, the client should send a SETUP request for each RTP stream from the presentation they would like to receive. After all the streams are setup, the client may send individual PLAY requests for each RTP stream, or a single PLAY request for all RTP streams using aggregate control.

supported platforms

VOCAL’s solution is available for the above platforms. Please contact us for specific supported platforms.

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