Complete Communications Engineering

The key information template conveys to the other templates the key information used to provide the security services to the JPEG 2000 codestream. The template has four parts:

  1. Length of key in bits – 16 bit value from 1 to 65535
  2. Key information identifier – 8 bit value that indicates the meaning of the values in the value list (see
    Table 1)
  3. Granularity field – 24 bit value indicating the granularity with which the key information changes
  4. Value list – value of representing the changing list of key information

Table 1: JPSEC Key Information Identifiers

IdentifierKey Information
1X.509 Certificate
2URI for certificate or secret key
All other values are reserved for ISO use

When the key information identifier is URI for certificate or secret key then this defines the values in the Value
List. When the X.509 Certificate is selected as the Key Information Identifier then the X.509 certificate
template is used as the value list. The first part of the X.509 template is the encoding rule field that is 8 bits
long (0…255), the second field holds the length of the X.509 certificate and is 16 bits long (1…65535) and the
final field holds the actual X.509 certificate which is of variable length. There are only two encoding rules defined
in the JPSEC standard, Basic Encoding Rule (BER) and Distinguished Encoding Rule (DER).

Further information available here:



JPSEC Tool Decryption Template

JPSEC Tool Authentication Template

JPSEC Tool Hash Template

JPSEC Registration Authority (RA)
JPSEC Standards available here:

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) Part 8 – JPSEC: Secure JPEG 2000 Final Committee Draft

ISO/IEC 15444-8:2007 – Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system: Secure JPEG 2000

T.807 (05/06) – Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system: Secure JPEG 2000