EGS Supplier Artemis I Contributions
Buffalo, NY
VOCAL Technologies
About: VOCAL develops advanced technologies for superior communication; including digital signal processing, acoustic audio processing algorithms, and modulations. VOCAL has supplied Speech Coding, Voice over IP and Echo Cancellation solutions for the Orion Spacecraft, the Artemis Program and the Advanced Space Suit.
Contributions to EGS:
VOCAL is a key contributor to the support of the overall communications ability for Orion. They supplied the audio centers to both the Radio Frequency and Telemetry Station (RFTS) and the Astronaut Communications team.
They manufactured four radio frequency and telemetry station (RFTS) audio centers for EGS which allows for the testing and refinement of communication for the RF comm path coming from Orion.
VOCAL software had not been integrated with the OIS system prior to our receiving of the software for the servers and the emulator, or audio center. Over the past few months EGS worked on integrating the VOCAL software with the OIS system and VOCAL’s engineers worked hand in hand with us to have successful two-way comms from the Emulator to the OIS system and back. This translates into proof of concept which paves the way to ensuring that our launch team can communicate with the Orion crew while Artemis II is on the Pad.
VOCAL manufactured an additional radio frequency and telemetry station audio center for EGS allowing the development and test of the communication lines that will connect the Orion Crew to the Launch team while Orion is on Pad B awaiting launch.
Both the Launch Team and the Mission Management Team will rely on these communications pathways to stay connected to the Orion Crew as they execute the Artemis II mission.
The audio centers will be essential in multiple tests that will be performed in preparation for launch. These tests will occur in the Multi-Purpose Payload Facility (MPPF), Vehicle assembly Building (VAB), and at the Launch Pad
520 Lee Entrance, Suite 202
University at Buffalo Commons
Amherst, NY 14228
Phone: (716) 688-4675
Fax: (716) 639-0713