Echo Cancellation Software is used to enhance speech for Radio, Mobile, Voice, Video, and VoIP applications. Whether the echo is electrical, acoustical, or has multiple sources, VOCAL has developed the solution for it. Full-duplex voice communication systems require an echo cancellation solution for clear and effective conversations. Echo cancellation software must have fast convergence speeds, resilient double-talk performance, and robustness to background noise. VOCAL’s solutions offer this and much more.
- Acoustic Echo Cancellers
- Line/Network Echo Cancellers
- Stereo and Multichannel Acoustic Echo Cancellers
- Custom Echo Cancellation
- ITU G.168, G.167 and G.165 compliant
- Optimized for DSPs, ARM and other microprocessors
VOCAL’s Echo Cancellation Software
VOCAL’s Echo Cancellation software modules are available standalone, as a library, and with our Voice Quality Enhancement System. Source code is optimized for DSP, ARM and other processors from TI, ADI, Intel and other leading vendors.
Echo Cancellation Features
- Optimized for ANSI C and leading DSP architectures
- ITU compliant and Passes rigorous proprietary tests
- Rapid convergence
- Fast re-convergence for echo path changes
- Advanced double talk detection with low divergence during double talk
- Non-linear Processing (NLP)
- Built-in Noise Reduction
- Long configurable echo tail length (up to 512ms)
- Configurable narrowband(8kHz), wideband(16kHz), super-wideband(32kHz), fullband(44.1kHz,48kHz), and high-resolution fullband(96kHz) sampling rates
- Automatic echo delay estimation
- Anti-howling control
- Easily integrated with other Voice Quality Enhancement modules
- Stereo and Multiple Mic Modes available
- Supports user callable functions
- Portable, re-entrant and re-locatable code
Echo Cancellation Applications
- IP Intercoms, such as Doorbells, Security Gates, Nurse Call stations, etc.
- Video Conferencing
- Bluetooth Headsets
- Hands-free Full Duplex Speakerphones
- VoIP Gateways
- ATA Devices
- Radio over IP devices
- Smart Speakers (and other Voice Control devices)
VOCAL’s echo cancellation software operates every day in millions of installations world-wide, including public telephone systems as well as intercoms, speakerphones and VoIP products. Contact us to discuss your application requirements with our engineering staff.

VOCAL’s solution is available for the above platforms. Please contact us for specific supported platforms.